0 to 89 MPH provides blazing fast short url links.
Safe, Secure and built for Speed.
What are short urls?
URL shortening is a coding technique used on the internet where an U.R.L. ( Uniform Resource Locator ) can be made shorter in character length but will still direct properly to the original full length URLs location. This is done by creating a redirect which links to the page which has a long URL. An example as shown here would be, the URL “https://0-89.com/some-long-address-string-of-characters/123/” can be shortened to “https://0-89.com/123“.
Why use short urls?
Short URLs are cleaner, more visually appealing as well as easier to keep organized. Shortened URLS are used by many professionals, business owners and online marketers to make life easier. Shortened URLs are much easier to share and remember and will still forward to the same page as the original URL. Using an URL shortening service to shorten the length of your website’s URLs is a smart marketing practice you shopuld use. Shorter URLs are proven to rank better in search engine results and they are much easier for web users to type and provides a better user experience.